Hair loss and stress

What is the relation between loosing balance, stress and hair loss?

When I was a child, I wanted to be an adult. To be an adult meant to be free for me. I decide, and I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I did not think about stress and I didn’t think about spending most of the time with work. Especially not with a work that I don’t like at all. I suppose most of us had that kind of work at least once in a life. Balance was not in my mind either. So many things, I didn’t think about, because I didn’t have to. So many things to bring stress. Stress and hair loss.

The importance of balance

There is a growing number of people who recognise the importance of healthy lifestyle, including keeping the balance in their lives. It is very important, because if we lose it, we can find ourselves in an unpleasant situation. If we work too much, we may feel like a robot. Without work, we don’t feel the happiness about weekends or days off. Learning too much, we don’t have fun. No learn at all, we may feel there’s no progress. If we don’t spend time with our family, we will feel lonely. If we choose work all the time, instead of friends, we will feel our life empty. When there’s no balance, we are not happy. One day we may ask ourselves: Why do I work for, if not for being happy? Loosing balance will bring stress and stress can be a reason for hair loss, too.

Why do we lose balance?

All of us want to be healthy but most of us is much too tired or lazy to do for it. A lot of people are too stressed to slow down and pay some attention to theirselves. Many people cannot feel relaxed and spend time with their family. It may lead to losing your balance in life. And there comes stress. Once it happened, you must work hard to get that balance back. Too much stress and rushing lifestyle can cause real illness and increase hair loss as well. Life has its natural circle, and we gain new hair while we lost some old ones. Stress makes it worse and cause losing more than usual. Anytime you realise to suddenly lose more hair than normally it is better to visit your doctor.

Your Beauty Hair about the relation of stress and hair loss

Reasons of hair loss:

There may be more reasons in the background. In this post I write about one reason that cannot be fully avoided. This reason is stress. A lot of things can make you stressed. Losing balance in life is just one of them. If your life is full of problems and you feel you will not be able to handle them or you work too much and do not have the time for yourself and for your loved ones you probably have more stress than a healthy level. Thinking all day about what is wrong in your life and being unhappy and unsatisfied will not help but can cause health problems. It is the same with work. When there’s too much responsibility in the position, you work in or the opposite, you have a job with no challenge, you spend valuable years of your life for someone else’s business or to a job that is not for you. Such situations bring too much stress into your life.


Telogen effluvium and alopecia areata

In a life period when you are emotionally or physically overwhelmed a lot of your hair follicles will be pushed into rest and within a few months they will suddenly fall out. It is called telogen effluvium. If you listen to your body and you are able and willing to change, you can grow them back. In other cases severe stress may have a role in the appearance of an autoimmune disease called Alopecia areata in which the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles. All of these facts show that it is time to take it serious and find the way to slow down and give our human body the chance of real recreation.

Forest road, a couple, a book with hot drink on it and a woman's legs running.

How to get back balance?

The advice of this post is trying to find your way of recreation in order to maintain your overall health and the beauty of your hair as well. Depending on your personality it can be meditation, making trips to nature, doing some sport, reading a good book, watching the sea while drinking some herbal tea, listening to music, talking with your friends or just sitting in the garden listening to the wind, it really depends on you. There are really good products on the market against hair loss, but the first step should be getting back the balance in your life and decrease stress.

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